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How to maximise your GP practice’s Primary Care Network income – Kernow LMC webinar

February 12 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm GMT


Five years into one of the biggest transfers of core funding that GP practices have seen, and there remains a level of disconnect between practices, and the funding entitlements from their networks.

This effective pooling of significant NHS funding now represents a huge part of overall practice income, but many practices continue to receive very little information or funding from their network, which on top of leaving a funding gap, can also expose practices to adverse tax issues.

In this online session, hosted by Kernow LMC and delivered by local specialist medical accountants Albert Goodman – on Wednesday, 12 February, from 1-2pm – we will cover network finances and what you need to know as a practice, to ensure that you are receiving what you are entitled to, the tax implications of inaction, and the importance of standing up for your own practice’s position within your network.

We will also discuss the importance of your accountant being on your side to liaise with the network, the fundamental problems that can arise from holding back significant income, and the importance of a clear and comprehensive set of network accounts delivered in a timely manner.

If you would like to attend the webinar, please register by emailing by noon on Thursday, 6 February. The cost is £20. It will take place via Microsoft Teams.


February 12
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm GMT
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Kernow LMC
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