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Kernow LMC - About us

How to get involved

If you are on the Cornwall and IoS Performer’s List we represent you by default. You are our constituents irrespective of employment status.

Committee members are democratically elected every three years. If you are on the Performer’s List and have paid your levy then you may even want to consider standing for election yourself. You do not need to be of a certain age or experience – you will represent the other GPs like you.

The Committee meets on alternate months to highlight current issues in general practice and members can feed back to the GPs they represent.

One of our biggest challenges is staying in touch with GPs who are new to the area or not attached to a specific practice. If this is you, then please forward your details to and we will make sure you are in the loop about what is happening locally.

Last updated on: 
December 11, 2019
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