The LMC is proud to announce a joint program with The Cornwall Primary Care Training Hub and Collaborative Board to help us all progress towards the British Medical Association’s safe working guidance. We often hear this called 25 patients a day. In recent months, the question we are most frequently asked is: “how do I do it?”. Well, we want to help show that path.
We are organising a series of four events throughout 2025, maybe even described as a course. The first session will be on 29 January from 7pm-9pm and will be online. A face to face session will follow in March to really drive it forward. Then June to catch up and adjust, with summary or next steps planning in the Autumn.
The Training Hub has secured Rachel Morris, host of the ‘You Are Not A Frog’ podcast, former GP and specialist in Resilience at Work, to support these sessions. We feel she will add the inspiration and mindset shift work to help us realise this is all within our power to achieve.
Many healthcare professionals in primary care are experiencing overwhelming workloads, and the pressure on our services is increasing. But it’s just not possible to cram yet more into an already overscheduled day. The only answer is to prioritise what’s really important, set boundaries and say no. You’ll learn how to focus on what you can control and then deal with the inevitable, yet uncomfortable, pushback that can cause our boundaries to crumble.
We will then use local examples of GP practices doing 25 patients a day to show how it can be done within our Cornish system, without breaking patient relations or causing too much overflow into other areas of the system – ultimately improving patient care and our working lives. You will then take this back to practices to implement the changes. We aim to build some peer to peer support tools for the interim periods.
Our hope is one or two representatives from each GP practice will be able to join us, wherever you are on the journey to 25 a day. If you’re there your role will be to help others, if you haven’t even thought about it then we will help you move that way. We are clearly developing a strategy to make this work, but peer support will be key too and we hope this can be the start of a grassroots support network that focuses on what matters most to us all – the quality of our working lives and our ability to deliver quality patient services.
So, for now, have a chat and decide who wants to come, save the date, and book your place here. (No limits to the first webinar – more the merrier).
25 in 2025 – bring it on.