Joint statement from Dr Will Hynds and Dr Bruce Hughes, respective Chairs of Kernow Local Medical Committee and Devon Local Medical Committee
Kernow Local Medical Committee and Devon Local Medical Committee (LMC) have serious concerns about coronavirus testing capacity across our counties.
It has come to our attention that for several weeks there have been either few testing slots available a long way from sick patients – for example Aberdeen or Cardiff – or next to no tests available at all.
This situation is unacceptable for patients and healthcare workers for several reasons.
Kernow and Devon LMCs feel that they have a duty of care to make the local population aware of this situation and urge the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to rectify this immediately.
We recognise and appreciate the efforts of the local health system to deliver Covid testing, despite being severely hindered by national issues outside its control.
The local laboratory teams and their swabbing partners continue to offer Covid testing to health and care workers with the limited spare capacity available. The Peninsula Pathology NHS Network is actively working with local Public Health teams to set up local testing on a prioritised basis to ensure that swabbing and testing is available as soon as possible.
Kernow and Devon LMCs are the only independent statutory representatives of GPs in the two counties.