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The latest news for general practice from the BMA

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25th October 2019
LMC Weekly Update 25.10.2019

General practice under pressure – GMC workforce report publishedDuring June and July, 3,876 doctors completed a GMC survey about satisfaction of their role, the environment they work in and their […]

18th October 2019
LMC Weekly Update 18.10.2019

Publication of report into sexism and sexual harassment at the BMAYesterday, the BMA published the report from the independent investigation into sexism and sexual harassment at the BMA. The report makes clear […]

11th October 2019
LMC Weekly Update 11.10.2019

Meeting with Health Minister Yesterday I met Jo Churchill MP, the new Minister with responsibility of Primary Care in England.  It was a positive meeting and provided a good opportunity […]

4th October 2019
LMC Weekly Update 4.10.2019

Conservative party conference Following my visit to the Labour Party Conference last week, I attended a number of events and had some useful conversations at the Conservative Party conference in […]

27th September 2019
LMC Weekly Update 27.9.2019

Primary Care Network Package launchWe have launched a PCN package of support this week, based on what GPC, LMC and PCN colleagues told us they need during a series of roadshows, webinars, […]

20th September 2019
LMC weekly update 20.9.19

Yesterday was the first GPC UK meeting of the session. I extended congratulations to Phil White, the newly elected Chair of GPC Wales and to Sandesh Gulhane and Lynn Hryhorskyj on their election as Co-chairs and Marie McVeigh as deputy chair of the GP trainees committee.

13th September 2019
LMC weekly update 13.9.19

Yesterday was the first GPC UK meeting of the session. I extended congratulations to Phil White, the newly elected Chair of GPC Wales and to Sandesh Gulhane and Lynn Hryhorskyj on their election as Co-chairs and Marie McVeigh as deputy chair of the GP trainees committee.

6th September 2019
LMC Weekly Update 06.09.2019

PCN development You will be aware that most of the nearly 7000 GP practices in England have taken up the PCN DES. This wouldn’t have been possible without the LMCs […]

30th August 2019
LMC weekly update 30.8.19

Yesterday was the first GPC UK meeting of the session. I extended congratulations to Phil White, the newly elected Chair of GPC Wales and to Sandesh Gulhane and Lynn Hryhorskyj on their election as Co-chairs and Marie McVeigh as deputy chair of the GP trainees committee.

23rd August 2019
LMC weekly update 23.8.19

Yesterday was the first GPC UK meeting of the session. I extended congratulations to Phil White, the newly elected Chair of GPC Wales and to Sandesh Gulhane and Lynn Hryhorskyj on their election as Co-chairs and Marie McVeigh as deputy chair of the GP trainees committee.

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