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Best Practice Birmingham

Our next conference and exhibition within the Best Practice brand is around the corner on Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th October 2024 at the NEC Birmingham. It is the largest gathering of general practice HCPs from across England, and it is FREE to attend! With over 5,000 HCPs expected to attend.

For full information and to register please click here:

· Accredited CPD Content – 12 different theatres of educational sessions to choose from – that is over 200 individual talks, including Dr Kiren Collison, Dr Raj Thakkar, Dr Minal Bakhai, Dr Stephanie Cook, Tara Humphrey, Dr Steve Holmes, and many, many more!

· Clinical Education – over 100 different clinical updates covering diabetes, respiratory, cardiovascular, women’s health and many more…

· Multi-disciplinary Appeal – different yet specific programmes for PCN leaders, practice managers, GP Partners and all clinical staff.

· Business Advice – develop your non-clinical skill set

· Products & Solutions – over 270 brands hosted within our exhibition, a great opportunity to scope out new products and services and demonstrate the latest and best!

No matter how much time you can spare to visit Best Practice, whether it be just an hour, half day, or the full two days, your FREE delegate pass will enable you to return to work with actionable learning and a renewed focus for general practice and primary care.

Dear colleagues,

In November 2023, BMJ Quality and safety published a research paper analysing patient safety in remote primary care consultations. The research conducted by an Oxford University research team, utilised data from NHS bodies, including NHS Resolution, NHS England and the Health Safety Science Investigation Bureau (HSSIB), to triangulate patient outcomes and identify where many of the risks lie in the remote delivery of primary care services.

The paper provides clear practical steps for clinicians, organisations and patients to make remote consultations in primary care even safer.

On 27 March 2024 at 12:30-14:00, NHS Resolution will be hosting a free virtual forum where you can join us to hear about the findings, directly from the lead researcher and lead reviewer , Dr Rebecca Payne and Professor Trisha Greenhalgh.

This event is likely to be of interest to all clinical and non-clinical primary care professionals involved in front-line patient care and those who are involved in commissioning and setting up remote consultations.

Therefore, please feel free to share this email and flyer with clinical, operational, legal, risk, patient safety and quality improvement colleagues at all levels within your networks.


Further details and the registration link are available here: NHS Resolution: Patient safety in remote consultations Tickets, Wed 27 Mar 2024 at 12:30 | Eventbrite


Best wishes,

Safety & learning team

NHS Resolution

The Primary Care Dermatology society (PCDS) was set up by GPs in 1994 to support dermatology education in primary care and redress the gap which saw dermatology account for 30% of GP consultations but not an extensive part of medical education. The PCDS website and society has grown and is recognised to provide comprehensive guidance, education events, tools, patient information leaflets and resources to its 4,000 GP and primary care health professional members. NHS Resolution has completed a review of dermatology claims within the last 5 years to examine the themes and trends within primary care.

On 22 November 2023, from 12:30-2pm, NHS Resolution and PCDS are hosting a free virtual forum to share the highlights from our analysis of dermatology claims, and discuss the risks, opportunities and challenges affecting lesion and medical dermatology management in primary care.

We will be joined by Dr Tim Cunliffe (PCDS) and Majid Hassan (Capsticks) alongside Michelle Stafford (NHS Resolution).

The link is to register is available here: NHS Resolution Virtual Forum: Learning from Dermatology claims Tickets, Wed 22 Nov 2023 at 12:30 | Eventbrite

At Best Practice London you have a huge choice of educational content. Our 6 conference theatres provide both clinical and non-clinical sessions for GPs, Practice Managers, PCN Managers, Practice Nurses, GP/PCN Pharmacists, and other ARRS roles.

  • Earn more than 20% of your annual CPD requirement, for FREE!
  • Understand the latest policy developments in general practice and primary care, their impact, and how to implement them at a local level
  • Benefit from a 2-day professional training programme with clinical content that follows the GP curriculum
  • Discover the latest products designed to improve patient outcomes
  • Experience a range of cutting-edge services and technologies aimed at delivering greater efficiencies across general practice and primary care

Whilst we would love to see you on both days of the conference, we fully appreciate how precious your time is so your free delegate pass will provide you with FULL ACCESS to all conference theatres and the exhibition, no matter how long or short your visit.

We truly can't wait to see you all at Best Practice London, taking place 8-9 March 2023 at Olympia London.

This Practice Manager Conference in Cornwall is the first of its kind in the country and is hosted by the Institute of General Practice Management (IGPM) and supported by Kernow Health CIC and Kernow Local Medical Committee.

Date: Wednesday, 16 November, 2022

Time 9.30am - 4.30pm

Venue: Atlantic Hotel, Newquay

Delegate rate: £110 (50% discount for employees of Cornwall GP Practices)*

We have an exciting agenda:


Registration & Coffee

9.20 – 9.30am

IGPM – Welcome & introductions Nicola Davies

9.30 – 9.45am

LMC Chair Dr Nick Rogers

9.45 – 10.30am

CQC Mani Hussain

10.40 – 11.15am Workshop

HEE Apprenticeship scheme Gemma Hall Or

Dispensing Rob Glentworth/Moore Scarrott


Coffee Break

11.30 – 12.15pm Workshop

PCSE Digitising medical records Emma Coppini Or

Medical Students in Primary Care: What are the benefits and Challenges for Your Practice Dr Shamik Agashi

12.20 – 12.45pm

ICB Andrew Abbott/Kirsty Lewis

12.50 – 1.30pmLUNCH

1.40 – 2.20pm Workshop

Practice Index – PPA Claims Claire, PM Support Manager, Practice Index Or

Employment Law and long Covid issues Oliver Pool, VWV Solicitors

2.30 – 3pm

BMA Dr Richard Van Mellaerts

3 – 3.15pm

Coffee break

3.20 – 3.40pm

KHCIC – coaching/mentoring offer Nicola Davies

3.45 – 4.30pm

Health Inequalities for trans patients Dr Sam Hall

This event is planned to be a face to face at the wonderful Atlantic Hotel, Newquay.

*For GP Practices in Cornwall, Kernow Health CIC have generously offered a 50% discount on the delegate rate and generally helping us organise and fund the event. Book your place here.

This is your golden opportunity to put the important questions to the people in the know – locally and nationally – and fingers crossed, the opportunity to catch up with colleagues we might not have seen for months or years.

So get your ‘thinking caps’ on about some questions you’d like to ask, it would be helpful to know some of these questions beforehand. If you have any questions that you’d like to ask the presenters, please send them to by noon on Wednesday, 9 November.

Two day online course for Primary Healthcare Professionals.

Oct 7th and 14th 2020 (Wednesdays)
Nov 6th and 13th 2020 (Fridays)
Dec 2nd and 9th 2020 (Wednesdays)
Jan 13th & 20th 20201 (Wednesdays)

18 places on this course are reserved for colleagues working in the Mendip PCNs network, who have been notified of their discount code.

Online -

Registration 08.30 onward. Course will start at 09:00 and end at 17:00, including a total of 2 hours of break-time.

The 'Lost' Update Joined Up Health in Primary Care

In addition to two and a half days (12 hours live and 3 hours pre-recorded) of enjoyable learning you will receive: 

  • A PDF of the ‘information bearing’ slides, a further reading and key references list, and access to the full references
  • Access to monthly drop-in follow-up sessions

Places are limited to 24 per online course - Please book early to avoid disappointment as we book up well in advance.

Any questions?  Please email:

Two days (same day on consecutive weeks) of engagingly presented material and discussions to us get a whole new perspective on those more complex patients, and a practical set of tools to help you respond more effectively to them.  

Colleagues from Devon and Cornwall who attending in February 2020 said they would describe the course as 

"Enjoyable, full of information, fun, detailed"

"A breath of fresh air!  An evidenced based look at what we can do for our patients without reaching for the prescription pad."

"An eye-opening course succinctly combining "proper science" and medicine with up to date understanding of lifestyle factors on our bodys' essential functions. It will have a huge impact on how you view your own health priorities as well as help focus approach to multimorbid patients in daily practice"

This was feedback from a recent meeting run using the same innovative Zoom format "An example of how good Zoom teaching can be".

Find more information about the course:

Last updated on: 
September 1, 2024
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